Metrics and models in software quality engineering. No real urgent problems to solve, good team, we do engineer for customers, every request is different, tough to measure. Product metrics for software chapter 15 software engineering. Classification of software metrics in software engineering. It includes introduction to foundations of measurement theory, models of software engineering measurement, software products metrics, software process metrics and measuring management. An in depth look at research that has been done on software metrics. Measuring the effectiveness of training is a very difficult task, for stakeholders, training departments and end users. Software metrics in software engineering computer notes. Metrics for an engineering manager in his first 90 days. If you are accepted to the full masters program, your. Software measurement and software metrics in software quality. In todays article, we will learn with examples and graphs software test metrics and measurements and how to use these in the software testing. Software engineering tools is a very practical course that focuses on which tools are needed for effective management and implementation of a software project. This is possible by collecting quality and productivity data and then analyzing and comparing these data with past averages in order to know whether quality improvements have occurred.
Software measurements are extracted from data, this is measuring software processes and source codes, in order to identify areas of the code where you need to work. Metrics to evaluate model performance evaluation of machine. This course will be using extreme programming a lightweight adaptable process. Nov 30, 2000 for slides, see lecture 20 lecture 24, legal issues powerpoint html lecture 25, management iii. Software metrics deals with the measurement of software product and software product development process and it guides and evaluating models and tools ma et al. A software metric is a measure of some property of a piece of software or its specifications.
Create the quality of the current product or process. This metrics describe the project characteristics and execution. Metrics product metrics for software chapter 15 software. Take courses from the worlds best instructors and universities. A computer program is an implementation of an algorithm considered to be a collection of tokens which can be classified as either operators or operands. Step by step applying system analysis and design with waterfall model. The textbook and the accompanying materials posted on this website are freely available for fair use. Lecture notes software engineering concepts aeronautics. Product metrics for software powerpoint ppt presentation. For slides, see lecture 20 lecture 24, legal issues powerpoint html lecture 25, management iii.
I need suggestions for metrics for my new job as engineering manager. By the end of the course, students will be able to explain what. Ppt product metrics for software powerpoint presentation free to. Metrics are related to the four functions of management. Software metrics is a standard of measure that contains many activities which involve some degree of measurement. Mcgrawhill, 2005 examples of metrics from everyday life. Metrics in the software engineering curriculum springerlink. Within the software development process, many metrics are that are all connected. If you are a training manager or company stakeholder looking for ways to measure the effectiveness of your programs, these ten metrics are a great.
Function point metrics provide a standardized method for measuring the various functions of a software application. We can accurately measure some property of software or process. In this lecture, we will look at different metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of your classification model. Software metricsintroduction attributes of software metrics activities of a measurement process types normalization of metrics help software engineers to gain. Longstreet consulting inc materials are used at over 100 different colleges and universities. A measurement is an manifestation of the size, quantity, amount or dimension of a particular attributes of a product or process. Metric ieee a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, component, or process possesses a given attribute indicator a metric or combination of metrics that provides insight into the software process, a software project, or the product itself 9. Most human resources departments measure the rate of retention in all or various jobs. Well now take a closer look at the various types of the two most important categories of metrics project metrics, and process metrics. Instructor packets are available for those professors and instructors that would like to encompass function point analysis in existing or new software engineering, mis, or a software metrics course. Sep 16, 2017 a software metric is a measure of software characteristics which are quantifiable or countable.
This course is a step by step description of the software metrics. Software metrics has become essential to good software engineering and good software engineering project management, i. The course is composed of the following basic modules. Name three model evaluation metrics, and explain why accuracy may be misleading. Syllabus subject to change cs 427 software engineering. A software process assessment is a disciplined examination of the software processes used by an organization, based on a process model.
Furthermore, software engineering curricula of the future should reflect the relatively mature state that software metrics have attained, by covering the basic concepts of metrics in appropriate core courses, and more advanced metrics topics in a specialized, elective metrics course. Thus, software measurement gives rise to software metrics. A practitioners approach, 5th edition, mcgrawhill, 2001. Software is considered to be a collection of executable. Software engineering metrics and models benjamincummings series in software engineering. Software metrics are important for many reasons, including measuring software performance, planning work items, measuring productivity, and many other uses. Using software process metrics, software engineers are able to assess the efficiency of the software process that is performed using the process as a framework. Software metrics are valuable for many reasons, including measuring software performance, planning work items, measuring productivity, and many other uses. Even if a metric is not a measurement metrics are functions, while measurements are the numbers obtained by the application of metrics, often the two terms are used as synonyms. Lecture slides for software engineering course undergraduate, book chapters 1 5 chapter 1.
Hi, i changed companies and am now a manager of an engineering department. Capers jones, from the forewordmetrics and models in software quality engineering, second edition, is the definitive book on this essential topic of software development. Project and process metrics in software engineering. Product metrics describe the characteristics of the product such as size, complexity, design features, performance, and quality level. If youre not sure where to start, these top ten training metrics can help. Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. Online course registration system development software engineering project presentation. Course description this course covers the fundamentals of software engineering which comprises of understanding software process, agile software development process, requirements engineering, effective methods of object oriented software design, modelling, implementation, software testing process, configuration management process and tools within the system. Tools for anyone involved in software engineering to understand. How its weighted against speed, quality, accuracy, and joy differs from team to team, but every team cares about quality. Software metrics software engineering definitions measure quantitative indication of extent, amount, dimension, capacity, or size of some attribute of a product or process. The presentation covers the overview of software metrics, its need. Lecture 1 introduction to software engineering youtube.
Software metrics are analyzed and assessed by software managers. Ai engineering software engineering and information assurance cybersecurity system verification and validation data modeling and analytics mission assurance autonomy and counterautonomy all work. Product metrics are used to asses the state of the product, tracking risks and discovering potential problem areas. Process is placed at the centre of the triangle connecting three factors product, people, and technology, which have an important influence on software quality and organization. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. The most common examples of software metrics are the following. In depth look at dsqi and software package metrics. Since quantitative measurements are essential in all sciences, there is a continuous effort by computer science practitioners and theoreticians to bring similar approaches to software development. A collection of techniques and methodologies for systematic development of complex software systems.
Permission to reproduce or copy all or parts of this material for nonprofit use is granted on the condition that the author and source are credited. A software metric is a standard of measure of a degree to which a software system or process possesses some property. Software process and product metrics are quantitative measures that enable software peopleto gain insight into the efficacy of the software process and the projects that are conductedusing the process as a framework. Benefit from a deeply engaging learning experience with realworld projects and live, expert instruction. Online course registration system development software. Software engineering course lecture slides rutgers ece. By counting the tokens and determining which are operators and which are operands. Metric classification software metrics can be divided into two categories.
No way to measure property directly or final product does not yet exist for predicting, need a model of relationship of predicted variable with other measurable variables. Software engineering metrics and models benjamincummings series in software engineering by samuel daniel conte author visit amazons samuel daniel conte page. Inprocess metrics for software testing powerpoint ppt presentation. Metrics to evaluate model performance evaluation of. Oct 08, 2008 lecture series on software engineering by prof. Of course, that method has limits lots of testing metrics get proposed. Halsteads metrics are included in a number of current commercial tools that count software lines of code. A program is an executable code, which serves some computational purpose. The assessment includes the identification and characterization of current practices, identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses, and the ability of current practices to control or avoid significant causes of poor software quality, cost, and schedule.
Many times, the front line, high turnover jobs are the ones that receive the most attention. Introduction to software engineering the term software engineering is composed of two words, software and engineering. Software project success has always been the goal of the industry. With mastertrack certificates, portions of masters programs have been split into online modules, so you can earn a high quality universityissued career credential at a breakthrough price in a flexible, interactive format. Software metrics help project managers to gain an insight into the efficiency of the software process, project, and product. Introduction to software engineeringqualitymetrics. This is the single best book on software quality engineering and metrics that ive encountered. In software projects, it is most important to measure the quality, cost, and effectiveness of the project and the processes. Software metrics massachusetts institute of technology.
Need software testing is the process of identifying the flaws or defects in. Managing people powerpoint html lecture 26, risks in software engineering powerpoint html lecture 27, software engineering as engineering powerpoint html. Comprehensive in scope with extensive industry examples, it shows how to measure software quality and use. Number of errors metric quantitative measure of degree to which a system, component or process possesses a given attribute. Software engineering metrics and models benjamincummings. Essential for projects that involve large teams of developers are longlived supported, maintained, and evolved are safety critical failure could result in loss of life or other disaster. Function point metrics, measure functionality from the users point of view, that is, on the basis of what the user requests and receives in return. Enroll in our pmp certification course today and develop a strong foundation in the principles of project management. Software measurement is a titrate impute of a characteristic of a software product or the software process. Limitations to consider when using metrics to evaluate software systems. University programs function point software metrics. Software product metrics software quality a framework for product metrics a product metrics taxonomy metrics for the analysis model metrics for the design model metrics for maintenance source. Important software test metrics and measurements explained.
Software metrics are similar to the four functions of management. Whats important is that you consider counter metrics as you approa. This course introduces students to the discipline of software engineering, with focus on principles, processes, and techniques of conducting software engineering tasks related to constructing, maintaining, and testing software. Ppt online course registration system development software. This course uncovers what software metrics are, why they are used, who should develop the metrics, when they should be applied, who should own the measurements, and what should be. Software measurement process is defined and governed by iso standard. Describes the characteristics of the product such as size, complexity, design features, performance, and quality level. My situation was well put by mark in first 90 days. Within the software development process, there are many metrics that are all related to each. Project and process metrics in software engineering simplilearn.
If newly trained employees feel illequipped for the job, they are more likely to leave within their first 90 days. After this video, you will be able to discuss how performance metrics can be used to evaluate models. These characteristics can be used to improve the development and maintenance activities of the software. These metrics enable management to understand the quality of the software, the productivity of the development team, code complexity, customer satisfaction, agile process, and operational metrics. Quality is critical in the software development process.